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Plant Health

Plant Health reporting through both RGB and Multispectral sensors helps to quickly identify plant health issues. Near-Infared spectral images can identify the potential issues long before the naked eye can identify the issue. 

Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index

VARI was designed and tested to work with RGB data rather than near-infrared (NIR) data. It is a measure of "how green" an image is. VARI is not intended as a substitute for a NIR camera, but it is meaningful when working with non-NDVI imagery. VARI also measures the reflectance of vegetation versus soil.

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

The traditional formula for NDVI compares Near Infrared and Red light. It is great for measuring healthy, green vegetation over a wide range of conditions.

Enhance Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

ENDVI includes a comparison of Green and Blue light in addition to the NIR and Red in order to give a more sensitive result. This isolates the indicators of plant health and can be used to assess the presence and health of a crop

Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

SAVI uses a soil brightness correction factor to analyze areas of the crop that are not covered with vegetation and the soil surface is exposed.

This analysis is great for some vineyards.

Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

OSAVI is a variation of SAVI, with a lower calibration factor. Using OSAVI, there is more variation with the soil than with SAVI, but it is also more sensitive to vegetation.


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